Happy Holidays everyone! We are closed on Thanksgiving, Thursday Nov 23 2016 and are open again the following day on Black Friday at 10am.

Please refrain from calling during Thanksgiving as we are not able to answer. Instead, you can send us an email at sales@hmotorsonline.com or use the contact form.

We wish everyone out there a happy Thanksgiving. Drive safe!

We have an extremely high calling volume at HMotorsOnline. If you are put on hold/we can’t answer the phone when you call, this means that we are tending to another customer(s) at the moment.

Our quality customer service is assured to each and every one of our many customers, which is why we ensure that we take care of our callers and the many questions they have during the phone session at hand.

We politely ask that you remain patient and try to understand if you’re put on hold or we can’t get to your call at that specific time.

Please Note: If you are attempting to reach us with a private number, or a number that is out of the country, we are unable to reach you back.

  • Mondays and Fridays are the busiest days for us; you are likely to be put on short hold when calling.
  • Phones are usually off the hook when we open in the morning.

Thanks so much for understanding, and we hope that you have a wonderful rest of your day.

Due to the overwhelming amount of people trying to access our new website, you may be experiencing slow loading times/failed connections.

Please pardon these technical difficulties as we are in the process of alleviating the overwhelming amount of traffic. Thanks very much.

As of Thursday, Nov 3, 2016, traffic has decreased and website performance is excellent. Thanks for shopping!